Actim® Fecal Blood

A specific and hygienic rapid test to detect occult blood in feces.

A reliable and hygienic test to detect occult blood in feces

Actim® Fecal Blood is an easy-to-use rapid test for detecting occult blood in feces – a symptom of severe gastrointestinal diseases. The advanced and unique design of Actim Fecal Blood provides a very user-friendly and hygienic solution for both patients and professionals.

Because feces do not normally contain measurable amounts of blood, the presence of occult blood is a sign of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. While occult bleeding is a possible cause of hemorrhoids, it can also be an indication of colorectal cancer.

Actim Fecal Blood detects bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract even when there are no visible signs of blood in feces. Because the procedure is simple and convenient, patients can feel more comfortable with taking the test.

Early diagnosis of occult bleeding is crucial and can lead to life-saving treatment. For example, the five-year survival rate of colorectal cancer is up to 90% in early-diagnosed cases.

Actim Fecal Blood in a nutshell

How Actim Fecal Blood works

The Actim Fecal Blood rapid test is based on highly specific monoclonal antibodies that only detect human hemoglobin. Therefore, no dietary restrictions concerning red meat, or vegetables and fruits with peroxidase activity are required. As a result, the test can be taken at any time.

Thanks to its optimal sensitivity and high specificity (94%), Actim Fecal Blood detects gastrointestinal bleeding even before there are visible signs of blood in feces.

The innovative leak-proof sample tube enables convenient and hygienic sample collection – even at home. The sampling device automatically adjusts the amount of sample needed for the test, and the test can be carried out without opening the tube cap. This guarantees convenient test handling for both patients and healthcare professionals.

Once the sample has been collected, the sample tube can be stored at room temperature for up to one week.

About hemoglobin

  • Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying molecule present in red blood cells.
  • It is released into the digestive tract when gastrointestinal bleeding occurs.

How to use Actim Fecal Blood

All the items required to perform the test are included in the test kit, and Actim Fecal Blood can be conveniently be stored at room temperature (+2… +30 °C).

Learn how to use the test in the video below:

1, 2,3 & 4. At-home sample collection by the patient

Open the Specimen Dilution Buffer tube and collect a feces sample with the sampling stick attached to the screw cap.

Twist the stick randomly in several places of the feces sample so that both slits become filled with feces.

Place the sampling stick back into the tube by pushing the stick trough the cone and close the cap tightly.

Shake the tube to suspend the specimen in the buffer.


Use the sharp tip of the perforating device (dipstick) to puncture the perforation area in the bottom of the buffer tube, then push the device into the tube until the stopper prevents it from going further.

Activation of the test

Slowly invert the tube once and immediately place the tube on the table in an upright position.

It is important to ensure that the inverting movement is not abrupt. Gentle inversion of the tube is essential to ensure accurate results. Make sure that the tube does not remain upside down.

Interpretation of the test result

  • A positive result can be read as soon as it becomes visible.
    Two blue lines = occult blood in feces, further investigation is needed.
  • A negative result should be confirmed at 10 minutes.
    One blue line = no occult blood in feces.

Actim Fecal Blood Controls

The Actim Fecal Blood Controls are intended to be used with the Actim Fecal Blood test for external quality control. The controls may also be used to demonstrate negative results and weak and strong positive results.

The control set includes negative, low positive and high positive controls as well as a reconstitution solution.

Product codes

  • Actim Fecal Blood, 20 tests | product code 30331ETAC
  • Actim Fecal Blood, 10 dipsticks | product code 30361ETAC
  • Actim Fecal Blood, 20 buffers | product code 30372ETAC
  • Actim Fecal Blood Controls | product code 30300ETAC

Downloadable materials

  • Brochures & leaflets
  • Brochure
  • Technical specifications leaflet
  • Instructions for use
  • Actim Fecal Blood instructions for use
  • Actim Fecal Blood Controls instructions for use
  • Material safety data sheet
  • If you wish to receive a Material safety data sheet, please contact

Actim® Fecal Blood is not registered in the USA.

MDSAP 13485 and ISO 13485 can be found here.