Actim® CRP

Get CRP results anytime, anywhere.

A quick CRP result from one drop of blood

Actim® CRP is a rapid, semiquantitative and highly specific bedside test for the detection of the C-reactive protein (CRP).

Overuse of antibiotics has potentially devastating consequences. Viral infections are often unnecessarily treated with antibiotics, when they should only be prescribed to patients with bacterial infections. Careful clinical assessment together with CRP results is an effective method for assessing whether a patient has a bacterial or viral infection.

Actim CRP is a quick and convenient test that determines CRP levels and estimates whether an infection is viral or bacterial. The test delivers a reliable result in just five minutes, allowing you to assess whether there is a need for antibiotics or additional tests. If necessary, proper medical treatment can then be started right away at the point of care.

Actim CRP is particularly convenient for places where instruments or laboratory services are not available, such as schools, nursing homes, the workplace, prisons, military camps, etc.

Actim CRP in a nutshell

A widely used biomarker to support treatment decisions for bacterial infections

CRP is an acute-phase protein rapidly produced by the human body in in response to infection, inflammation, and tissue damage.

At the beginning of an infection, CRP levels rise exponentially until reaching a peak at 48 hours. CRP levels can help differentiate bacterial infections from viral infections, as CRP concentrations are significantly higher in patients with bacterial infections. CRP concentrations can also decrease quickly when a prescribed medical treatment is effective.

The rapid test Actim CRP is based on monoclonal antibodies that are highly specific to CRP. The test covers all clinically relevant CRP levels, with three cut-offs:

  • 10–40 mg/l
  • 40–80 mg/l
  • >80 mg/l

How to use Actim CRP

All the items required to perform the test are included in the test kit, and Actim CRP can conveniently be stored at room temperature (+2… +25 °C).

Learn how to use the test in the video below:

1. Collect a blood sample

Use a lancet to obtain a drop of blood from a fingertip. Take the sample with the 10 µl capillary (included in the test kit).

EDTA, citrate or heparin blood can also be used as a sample.

2. Dilute the sample

Immediately drop the capillary into the Specimen Dilution Buffer. Mix the sample by inverting the tube upside down 10–15 times.

3 & 4. Activate the test

Place the yellow dip area of the dipstick into the diluted sample. Hold it in place until you see the liquid front enter the result area.

Remove the dipstick from the solution and place it in a horizontal position.

5. Interpret the test result

  • A positive result can be read as soon as it becomes visible.
    – one blue line = CRP 10–40 mg/l
    – two blue lines = CRP 40–80 mg/l
    – three blue lines = CRP >80 mg/ml
  • A negative result should be confirmed at 5 minutes.
    – only a red control line is visible (no blue lines) = CRP <10 mg/l.

6. Invalid test

  • The test is invalid if the control line does not appear.

Product codes

  • Actim CRP, 20 tests | product code 31031ETAC

Downloadable materials

  • Brochures & leaflets
  • Brochure
  • Instructions for use
  • Actim CRP instructions for use
  • Material safety data sheet
  • If you wish to receive a Material safety data sheet, please contact

Actim® CRP is not registered in the USA.

MDSAP 13485 and ISO 13485 can be found here.